Late last year (November 2010) when I started working on our (Missouri) native garden -- approx 50 feet (15m) x 30 feet (9m) on a an approx 30° slope -- I decided not to use a landscape fabric or put down a layer of mulch.

A little bit of information relating to my native garden that I've already posted here on SE:

* [How to plant a new lawn on a hillside?][1]

* [How can I naturally encourage birds into my garden?][2]

* [Weed control in a butterfly garden][3]

**Q. Why didn't I put down a landscape fabric?**

* Save money.

* A native landscape in nature doesn't have a landscape fabric layer.

* I did think about getting a bio-degradable landscape fabric, something that would break down within 2 years at the most, and would help with any soil erosion while the (≈170) plants established themselves, but I decided it wasn't worth the expense or time to put down.

 * To date I've lost 2 plants (which have been replaced) due to soil erosion when we experienced almost unbelievable rainfalls (+3inches / +75mm in 24 hour periods) during May, first week of June.

 * Now the plants have been in the ground more than 3 months, I'll be surprised if I lose anymore due to "soil erosion".

**Q. Why didn't I put down a mulch layer?**

* Getting enough mulch material onto the slope area didn't seem to be worth the amount of work involved.

 * Especially when I factored in, mulch shouldn't touch the plants (for plant health reasons).

**Below is a summary of what I did (right or wrong):**

1. Beginning of November 2010 we had a large "dead" (unsafe) Willow tree taken down, removed, professional.

2. After the tree was removed, by hand I cleared the area down to the ground and sowed a Winter cover crop of Annual Rye grass.

3. Read a lot! about Missouri native plants and spoke with a handful of Missouri "expert" gardeners.

 * [Grow Native!][4]

 * [Native Landscaping Manual: A Guide to Native Landscaping in Missouri][5]

 * [MBG Kemper Center ProblemSolver Plants][6]

 * [Plants of Merit][7]

4. Put together "Plant type list".

5. Drew the garden in AutoCAD and played with different plant layouts. Choose the layout we liked most and from that extracted a complete "Plant type/number list".

6. Ordered all the plants from, [Missouri Wildflowers Nursery][8] (no affiliation, just a very! happy customer).

 * To save some money, we bought "plug" plants ie Very young and small plants.

7. After a lot! of soul-searching I decided I would use (basic/original) [Roundup][9] (Active ingredient: [Glyphosate][10]).

 * I'm still not happy I went this routine, nor do I think I'll ever be...

 * I was going to give "[Soil solarization][11]" a try, but I wasn't prepared to wait until April 2012 before I could start planting.

8. Beginning of April I again by hand cleared the area down to the ground.

 * Afterward I selectively applied "Roundup" to unwanted plants, vines, that I'd cut down to the ground.

 * Two weeks later, I again by hand cleared the area down to the ground, then selectively applied "Roundup".

 * Two weeks after that (end of April), I again by hand cleared the area down to the ground, then selectively applied "Roundup" **for the last time**.

9. End of April I collected all the "plug" plants I had ordered.

10. Due to the weather (unbelievable rainfall) I wasn't able to get out into the garden and plant until 22<sup>nd</sup> May 2011.

 * Before doing so, I once again by hand cleared the area down to the ground.

11. Finished planting on 24<sup>th</sup> May 2011.

12. Every Sunday morning I go out into our native garden for an hour with a hoe in hand and clear any unwanted plants that have popped their heads up above the ground.

 * The past 3 or 4 weeks I've definitely noticed a lot! less unwanted plants popping up. I'm now out there hoeing for 30 minutes at the most -- and bare in mind I'm an annal retentive freak (so says my wife).

13. During July and August (unbelievably hot, we had 21 continuous days of +100&#176; / +38&#176;C temperatures with zero rainfall) I've had to go out and water the native garden every 2 to 3 days.

 * I've lost 5 plants (which have been replaced) due to excessive heat.

 * Next year I expect to water our native garden once a week at the most during excessive heat periods -- the plants should well be on their way to being established by then.

**If you wish to go the native plant routine, I gathered together a few resources for you:**

* [Pennsylvania Native Plant Society][12]

* [Native Plant Nurseries - Pennsylvania][13]

* [Native Plants][14] from [Penn State Cooperative Extension][15]

**Below are a few photos from my Native Garden project:**

**2010-11-01, Before Willow tree and area was cleared**

![Willow tree and overgrown garden area][16]

**2010-11-05, After Willow tree and area has been cleared**

![Cleared garden area][17]

**2011-04-30, "plug" plants waiting for planting**

!["Plug" plants][18]

**2011-05-07, Annual Rye grass still growing well, even after being cut down to the ground 3 times during April and Roundup having been selectively applied to unwanted plants**

![Garden area covered in Annual Rye grass][19]

**2011-05-22, Area after once again being cleared to the ground, immediately before planting**

![Cleared garden area][20]

**2011-05-24, Area immediately after planting**

![Planted garden area][21]

**2011-08-28, Native garden 14 weeks after being planted**

![Planted garden area][22]
