The first and the last pictures look like [Tobacco Mosaic Virus][6] (TMV). The mottling looks like it matches. The others, I'm not sure, but they could just need more of the right nutrients, and they may have a fungal infection. It may be too early to tell for sure what's wrong with those. I don't know if they also have a virus.

Alternately, it could be [Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl virus][5] (TYLCV). Although peppers can carry this virus, I don't know if they normally have symptoms.

Here are some links to pictures that led me to believe Tobacco Mosaic Virus was likely the case for the first and last pictures:

* [Tobacco Mosaic Virus on a tomato][3] (1)
* [Tobacco Mosaic Virus on a tomato][1] (2)
* [Tobacco Mosaic Virus on a pepper][2]

I might recommend planting resistant varieties next year. I don't know of any particular treatment for this year.

Varieties resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus that I recommend looking into include these:

* Yolo Wonder pepper
* California Wonder 300 TMV pepper
* [Capistrano pepper][9]
* [Keystone Resistant pepper][10]
* [Pimento pepper][11]
* Chef's Choice Orange F1 tomato (also resists anthracnose; AAS award)
* Chef's Choice Pink F1 tomato (also resists anthracnose; AAS award)
* Big Pick tomato (probably an F1)
* Celebrity F1 tomato
* President tomato (probably an F1)
* Park's Extra Early tomato F1

Reason for suspecting tomato yellow leaf curl virus:

* [Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus pictures][4]

[Here are some varieties reported to be resistant to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus:][7]

* Champion 11 F1 tomato
* Margo F1 tomato
* Sun King F1 tomato
* [SecuriTY 28 F1 tomato][8]
