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Questions tagged [wasps]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Any advice for my grass problem?

I’ve got a little issue in my backyard with growing some grass. For starters, the yard is in a very sun exposed spot. I’m located in CT, USA. Last year I believe I had grubs in the yard which ate away ...
Mat's user avatar
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Are these black pods something to do with wasps?

I have a tree that is swarming with wasps. I cannot see a nest but assume there is one somewhere. I also noticed the tree is covered in patches of black pod types things: Are the two things related? ...
Darren's user avatar
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What is a plant-and-animal safe way to kill a hive of yellowjackets?

I’ve seen plenty of questions on here about what wasps are doing to plants. Specifically I want my hive gone. I have a large backyard where I try to keep grass, cloves, and insects plentiful. (These ...
gen-ℤ ready to perish's user avatar
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How do I stop slugs and wasps in vegetables

I have slugs and wasps eating my strawberries. I have placed beer in cups and it attracts some but doesn't last long.How do I stop them?
user52368's user avatar