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Questions tagged [sunflowers]

Helianthus annuus. New World annual noted for its large flowering head.

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Dwarf sunflower grows huge

Is it possible for a dwarf sunflower to grow big like the mammoth sunflower? I planted seeds from my dwarf plants the I planted last year and I have one that is growing like crazy with multiple ...
Chandalee's user avatar
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What would make my sunflower leaves as they’re growing start to shrivel up and become almost deformed?

The plant seems fine, but now the leaves almost look, wrinkled as they’re growing out and look like they are not taking true shape the edges have a bit of black on them, where they are wrinkled and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Worms inside sunflower leaf

Hello, I noticed a dark spot at the edge of one of my sunflower leafs and it appeared that the outer skin was raised like a blister. I decided to open it and I found a tiny worm/larvae inside. As I ...
Rgon777 's user avatar
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What is attacking my lemon queen sunflowers?

My Lemon Queen Sunflowers were doing good, but some insects and/or disease has attacked them. Little white bugs on the leaves and some strange matter that doesn't look good. Any suggestions? I live ...
azkanb's user avatar
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Planting Sunflowers

I am new to this gardening stuff! I just bought 3 different kinds of sunflower seeds to plant along my fence line. My question is, can I mix the seeds up and plant them or do I plant the same kinds ...
Cassidy Baulo's user avatar
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Is Tithonia diversifolia (mexican sunflower) a nitrogen fixer?

Does Tithonia diversifolia (aka "Mexican Sunflower") have a symbiotic relationship with diazotrophs that fix nitrogen in the soil from the nitrogen in the air? Mexican Sunflower is not a ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Dwarf sunflower closing

Can anyone tell me why my sunflower is closed up? It didnt look like this a few days ago, it was completely open, it has a smaller flower on its side so i thought it had to do with that but im at a ...
Joc's user avatar
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Do large varieties grown in a pot yield small fruits or die?

Consider those large varieties of pumpkins or sunflowers eg mammoth sunflower. What would happen if one plants such a large variety in a small container ? Would the plant restrict it's growth and ...
Nichola's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can sunflower be used in Three Sisters planting instead of corn?

The Native American Three Sisters technique traditionally uses corn, beans, and squash as companion plants. The corn provides a trellis for the beans, the beans fix nitrogen for the corn, and the ...
Drake P's user avatar
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What is the fate of this sunflower? Will it produce seeds?

The sunflower in this picture is the only one that survived out of three that my kids grew from seeds as one of their school projects. At the end of the last school year, we brought them home, when ...
StoneThrow's user avatar
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Why are my sunflower leaves getting yellow and rusty?

My sunflower plant is about to bloom. Its leaves are getting yellow and rusty. How will I fix it? I had watered it quite high several days ago as I could not understand the problem. Now I have ...
Sk. Moumita Manjur's user avatar
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Why do my mammoth sunflower leaves look like this?

These are what 2 of my mammoth sunflowers look like out of the 15 that I had originally planted. I live in growing zone 4, in the Minnesota area, and the temperature has been a steady 80 degrees ...
ToxicFlame427's user avatar
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How to tell if sunflower seeds are empty or not

I have some Mammoth sunflowers that I began to harvest today. Many of the seeds are empty inside, but not all. Maybe 50/50. I'd like to keep many of them to sow next year. Is there an easy and ...
pspahn's user avatar
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My sunflowers are too tall (over 5') and butting into the top of my enclosed garden

I planted seeds for 3 varieties of sunflowers: autumn beauty, mexican, sunspot. I'm not sure which but one of the varieties just grew and kept growing and did not flower. At this point, it is over 5' ...
megan b's user avatar
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Do sunflower seedlings need support to grow upright?

I've planted some sunflower seeds a couple of months ago and now they're growing successfully but they're somewhat slanted currently rather than growing vertically. Do I need to place some sticks/...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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When to harvest sunflower seeds

I’ve got a sunflower which seems to be in the latter stages of its lifecycle. It has started wilting back and the lower leaves have fallen off. I’ve attached an image below. A couple of questions ...
Conor's user avatar
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Sunflower with multiple flowers, is this normal?

I’m not particularly green fingered, however I’ve planted some sunflowers seeds with my kids. They’re both growing well however one of them has a single large flower at the top of the stem whereas the ...
Conor's user avatar
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What is chopping down my sunflowers?

I had a small pot with three sunflowers in it (firecracker). They went down one by one, each with the same thing. See the image below, it looks like a tiny beaver chewed on the stem, just above the ...
Dan's user avatar
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Sunflower leaves wilting and yellowing

Good day! I would like to ask for some help to determine what I am doing wrong in growing my sunflower. The sunflower was started from seed about 3 weeks ago and now it has grown a few sets of true ...
user71128's user avatar
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How to recognize when sunflower seed are ripe for harvesting?

I want to save my sunflower seed, and not for food, but for reseeding in other areas. Last year, I was too late: Birds ate everything, almost to the last piece of seed. This year I want to be faster. ...
Aleksandar M's user avatar
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Is it true that sunflowers improve soil structure?

I read that sunflowers can have up to 3m deep dense roots. Is it true that sunflowers improve soil structure, by penetrating its roots through the ground?
Aleksandar M's user avatar
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Why did a dwarf mammoth sunflower grow?

I planted at most three dozen mammoth sunflowers last spring. They are all coming up fine, some even blooming. However, one in particular is a tiny, what I would describe as dwarf, that is less than ...
just trying to figure this out's user avatar
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My sunflower is dying what do i do?

I have a potted sunflower and it was overwatered. Is there any way to revive it? It hasn't been watered in a week and the soil still seems very wet. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
Elisa's user avatar
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Repotting sunflower to bigger pot?

This is what my sunflower plant looks like. Its in a 4" pot. Should I repot it to a larger pot? I've been told that a sunflower in a pot (like mine) will eventually die, so I'm not sure if repotting ...
rbhat's user avatar
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Sunflowers: Young leaves turn yellow and die

These sunflowers are on my window ledge getting ca 8h of sunlight per day. When they lack water the leaves start hanging dramatically. 30 minutes after watering they correct themselves. Plants look ...
AzulShiva's user avatar
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Why do sunflowers move only flowers towards the sun?

We all know that sunflower's flowers move so that they face the sun. But the photosynthesis happens in leaves, not in flowers. Why is then so important for a sunflower to move its flower, if its ...
VividD's user avatar
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How to make sure a sunflower produces seed?

I started a single sunflower, a giant cultivar called 'Titan', it's been doing well so far. I want to have valid (or, is the better word 'viable'?) seeds from it at the end of season. They don't have ...
VividD's user avatar
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What kind of sunflower is the best for making a flute?

Probably like many other gardeners, I like and plant many kinds od sunflowers - I've got many dry sunflower stalks from the previous year, and I would like to do something useful and creative with ...
VividD's user avatar
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A single large sunflower among herbs - a good or a bad idea?

My idea is to start no less than a giant sunflower ('Titan', I plan just a single plant) on the northern border of my small herb garden with thyme, salvia, arugula, parsley and such. The reason is to ...
VividD's user avatar
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Do plants react differently to artificial light than to sunlight?

Sun light is 5700Kelvin and up to 100 000 lumens per square meter. If I was to use Halogen or LED light's with similar properties would plants (sunflowers in particular) know the difference?
AzulShiva's user avatar
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Can young sunflower transplants take a light frost?

I realize that sunflowers can grow easily from direct-seeding, but to get some earlier sunflowers, I thought I'd try starting them early (since I've heard that works well, too). I've heard that ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
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How should I grow mexican sunflowers (Tithonia) from seed?

I want to put Mexican (Tithonia) sunflower seeds directly in the ground. If they were regular sunflower seeds, I would sow ithem directly in the garden, and I would put twice as many seeds close ...
VividD's user avatar
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How long do sunflower seeds stay viable?

How long do sunflower seeds stay viable? I'm thinking about getting several kinds, but I might not want to grow every variety every year. These are mostly large-seeded varieties meant for eating.
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
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Can you recommend any short, large-seeded sunflowers?

I'm wanting to grow a lot more sunflowers (Helianthus) for food, these days, but one of my concerns is they get really tall, and sometimes I like shorter plants. If you know of any sunflowers just ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
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How can sunflowers be grown in a squirrel and chipmunk rich environment?

I'm trying to grow sunflowers from seed and have been unsuccessful due to chipmunks and/or squirrels eating all of the seeds. So far I've tried the following: Spread a lot of seeds and maintain an ...
John's user avatar
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Should I use epsom salt foliage spray on giant sunflowers?

I'm currently growing some giant sunflowers. I really want them to be as big as possible. I'm wondering how good it would be to spray them twice a week with a epsom salt, gypsum and / or saltpeter ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Cutting sunflower teddy bear

I grow sunflower named (teddy bear) It was so amazing but now its stop making a new flowers What should i do to make it grow more flowers? And what the good way to cut them? I don't want dry the ...
Amal's user avatar
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How do you tell the difference between sunflowers and sunchokes?

I think I have some sunflowers on my plot from a previous owner in the community garden, and was wondering how I can tell the difference between sunflowers and sunchokes. Please provide images.
black thumb's user avatar
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I've read that butterflies like sunflowers, do they also like sunchokes?

With "adopting" a lot of monarchs last year (to see them grow), and starting a sunchoke patch, has anyone had any luck with their sunchoke patch attracting butterflies and caterpillars?
black thumb's user avatar
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Why is the stem of one of my sunflower seedlings shriveling?

I recently planted some sunflower seedlings and they have been doing fairly well. The only problem I had noticed was that the tips of the leaves were slightly burnt, but even then, the burns weren't ...
Morella Almånd's user avatar
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Harvesting sunflower seeds and planting the same year

I live in NY State and planted ~30 sunflower plants this year. I started them very early indoors so had early blooms - I've had seeds on the faded flower heads for ~ 4 weeks now. Is it possible to ...
kataob's user avatar
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How can I grow sunflowers that will produce seeds in the shells, for my pet bird?

I grow sunflower plants where the flower is not pollinated, and they produce empty seed shells. How do I get the plant to produce seeds shells with a seed inside?
Galah's user avatar
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Using Sunflowers as living bean poles

About a month ago I got the idea to try growing pole beans (Kentucky Wonder) and using my sunflowers as support instead of bothering to put up a trellis. Of course it wasn't until after I bought the ...
GardenerJ's user avatar
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How do I propagate sunflowers?

I have a sunflower plant growing flowers, and I want to grow more sunflowers in my garden. How do I grow more sunflowers from the current plant?
Rajat Jain's user avatar
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Will sunflower seeds that have been left out all winter germinate?

I forgot to remove a large sunflower before winter and after the snow hit I was unable to get to it. The seeds were left in the head all winter but the plant is high enough that it wasn't buried in ...
OrganicLawnDIY's user avatar
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Do these sunflower seedlings need to be thinned?

I have two questions regarding the sunflower seedlings in the picture below. I think my sunflowers are too close together. How much should I thin them and based on their height, does now seem like a ...
amol's user avatar
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What is the best sunflower for seed production in Pennsylvania zone 6b?

I have been growing mammoth grey stripe sunflowers for a while, but I want to know if there is a better producer for my climate. The area I would plant them in is a heavy, clay base soil. The average ...
J. Musser's user avatar
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Are the seed pods of giant sunflowers normally empty?

So, I'm attempting to harvest sunflower seeds from some giant sunflowers I planted an age ago. Unfortunately, there's nothing inside the seed pods! I believe the sunflower was a 'giant', it may ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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When should sunflower seeds be harvested?

I've got a few giant sunflowers that are hanging pretty low. I peeled off a few seeds around the outside just to see what they looked like and they look pretty big. They're fairly light though, not ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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How do I provide support to a growing sunflower?

I am growing sunflowers and they grow quite high, sometimes toppling over. What kind of support can I give to them in this case?
lamwaiman1988's user avatar