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Questions tagged [screening]

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4 answers

Evergreen screening tree/shrub which will grow well in ~3-4 hours of sun?

I have an area where I'd like to grow an evergreen screen. The only issue I foresee is that the location gets morning shade and only about 3-4 hours of direct sunlight (in the afternoon) in the summer,...
user1469762's user avatar
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0 answers

Best plant to provide barrier hedge

I need a good hedge plant that can act as a barrier between back and side garden. The area can get a lot of wind and gets late sun. At present there is ivy that has been there for years over a ...
Janey's user avatar
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3 answers

Can planting solve fly/insect problems caused by neighbouring pig sties?

My father's neighbour keeps pigs. Father has no problem with this and indeed it amuses me somewhat that he's chosen to plant an apple orchard on that side of his plot. He doesn't really have any ...
Caius Jard's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Designing cherry laurel grove

I plan to build a seating area close to my neighbor's yard. The little problem is privacy, and I would like to solve it by making a cherry laurel grove. Since I am a kind of plant-collectory person, ...
VividD's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the right plant for obscuring a neighbour's second story window?

I would like to obscure a neighbour's second story window, overlooking my deck (low deck, almost ground level). I can plant a tree, but that means cutting into the deck, not to mention that the area ...
Simon E's user avatar
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How much bamboo do I need to fill space?

Where I live, bamboo is relatively expensive... From £20-50 for a medium-large pot. I'm wondering how fast this would spread because I have an area I'd like to screen along a boundary but I'm worried ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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2 answers

Self-clinging climber that will not damage a concrete fence

I am looking for an evergreen climber to screen an ugly pre-cast concrete stone-effect fence. I cannot change the fence (it's concreted into retaining structures). The fence consist of 6ft upright ...
George of all trades's user avatar