Questions tagged [root-pruning]

The pruning of roots instead of branches.

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15 votes
1 answer

How do I prune the roots of a rootbound plant?

This answer talks about pruning the roots of a plant when it has become rootbound. How easy is it and how do you go about it?
Tea Drinker's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I cut off exposed tree roots without harming the tree?

Large trees often have roots protruding out of the ground around the base of the trunk (such as the ones that can push up sidewalks next to the tree). When is it safe to cut those roots (that might be ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Should I remove the tree roots coming from the neighbouring garden?

When I was digging out* a patch to grow veggies earlier in the spring I found big roots in the soil unconnected to anything in our garden. It looks like they're coming from some kind of palm trees ...
Lisa's user avatar
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2 answers

Will shaving the top of a Red Maple's roots hurt the tree?

We have a large Red Maple tree in a large back yard. The roots have pushed up the concrete on a walkway. I have a friend who wants to practice concrete work for his university class and is willing to ...
Mia Moore's user avatar