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Pest Identification in SF

First time growing in SF and I have a multitude of different plant varieties in a garden bed. My peas are all growing fine as is my broccoli, but something keeps eating the leaves of my arugula and ...
Katie's user avatar
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rodents eating fig cuttings in my greenhouse

I am having a problem with something getting into my greenhouse at night and eating my fig cuttings down to the nubs! It is also eating my plastic containers? what is it? I checked the perimeter of ...
Susan DiStefano's user avatar
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Best way to deter pests (gophers, squirrels, rabbits) from my fruit and vegetable area [duplicate]

I have planted fruits trees and vegetables (raised beds) in my side yard. Every summer i have visitors (not sure which ones) in the form of gophers, squirrels, rabbits (maybe), mice (maybe) that eat ...
JStorage's user avatar
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What types of fruit are most likely to be eaten by vertebrate pests?

So there are tomatoes in my backyard, and for some reason, nothing seems to eat them even though lots of birds visit the backyard, which surprises me. Do birds and rodents (mice and squirrels) have a ...
InquilineKea's user avatar