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Can I use the water from a stormwater ditch for vegetable irrigation?

I've got a ditch in my backyard that I believe was intended for stormwater drainage. It's about 2-3 feet deep so I imagine that there could be some percolation from the surrounding soil as well and ...
Citizen's user avatar
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Mineral-oil spray on my cacti

As I came back home today, I have found patches of oil along the alley, over the entry door, and many of my plants, mostly succulent plants. I'm not much worried about the fruit trees, because their ...
Christmas Snow's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it safe growing vegetables in a soil that has plastic fragments?

I have started preparing a small piece of land for growing vegetables. To my disappointment, I quickly realised that it has been used in the past years as a dump site. Among other bigger pieces of ...
Andrea Casaccia's user avatar
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Dyed circulars and cardboard, for weed barriers under mulch

[Box bottom listing dyes] I have always saved and used layered newspapers (without the dyed circulars) as a weed barrier, under the mulch in my gardens. When I am done, the papers are not visible. ...
Diane's user avatar
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Is it true that some plants can reduce air pollution? [duplicate]

I'm six weeks pregnant and I live in a 7th floor apartment in Mumbai, India. My apartment complex is on a busy road with 24/7 traffic and traffic jams in the morning and evening. I'm worried about the ...
Niv's user avatar
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Beautiful plants for covering balcony grill to prevent noise and pollution entering home

I live in Mumbai (India), our flat has an east facing balcony (roof covered) of around 15-20 ft (5-6 m) which receives direct sunlight for 3-4 hours in the morning. I have few plants (Roses, Aloe ...
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