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Questions tagged [plant-care]

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31 votes
1 answer

How do you prune a rose bush?

I tried to prune a rose bush and it stopped growing from all the branches I pruned, and instead shot one big green stem up from the root again. What is the proper technique?
Scott Stafford's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Ants on trees - ok or bad?

I have two trees that experience significant traffic of ants up and down? Crataegus 'Pauls's Scarlet' - An established mid-age tree. Ants go up to the top of the tree, can't see what they are looking ...
Alex Alex's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

How can I prevent my Nepenthes pitchers from drying out?

I received what I guess is a Nepenthes last month, but the pitchers have all dried out by now. It starts with the lid drying up and once that happens it takes 10 days until the entire pitcher is all ...
JOG's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What is a general rule of thumb for when to prune plants and trees?

It seems like every plant that I come across has a different (and seemingly random) best time to prune. Is there some sort of generally rule that I could apply to any plant and have a pretty good idea ...
David Kethel's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

My basil is "rotting", here's all the clues I have gathered

This is my third try in having a basil that lives more than a month and I've been rather successful with my last try. But now, for some unknown reason to me, it's dying. Here are many pictures of what ...
Gil Sand's user avatar
  • 233
13 votes
1 answer

Is there a simple rule of thumb for caring for potted plants in an office?

I've recently been made responsible for watering and taking care of many small potted plants around our office, and I have little to no gardening experience. There are many different types of plants, ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Can I separate this spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)?

I just bought a spider plant from a store recently. The plant is so aggregated that I can see many stems in a 8cm diameter pot ( 10+ ). I wondered if I can separate them. I tried to separate them from ...
lamwaiman1988's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

What are these tall, tree-like shrubs and how often should I water them?

My wife and I just bought a property and I don't know anything about plants or trees. Can someone tell me what the large trees/bushes/plants are and also how often do I need to water them?
schmudu's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What should I do with geraniums during the winter?

I brought my geraniums indoors for the winter. Do they need light? Should I water them? Should I cut them? If so, how short? When is the best time to take cuttings (i.e. during winter, start of ...
danjjl's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I grow edible plants for a reptile in the reptile's tank?

I have a bearded dragon, and I recently came up with an idea to possibly plant my dragon's food in her own tank. This way it is fresh, always available, and may even help to keep the humidity in her ...
Adra Elkins's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What is this plant with red-pink lines/veins on its big green rounded leaves?

My mother bought this plant but she didn't bother to even ask what was its name and what type of care does it need. Can any of you identify it, so that we can find info about the proper care it should ...
Martin's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Office plant identification and care

At my work, everyone has his own plant and needs to take care of it. I was wondering if you guys could help me out taking care of my plant. A picture of my plant can be seen below. So, by that, I ...
M Zeinstra's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Why are the leaves on my mango tree turning brown and drying out?

I grew a mango tree last summer from seed in a pot. In the beginning it was extremely healthy looking and fast-growing. When the summer was over, as it gets very cold here in Canada, I took it indoors ...
user3643087's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How should I take care of a Hyacinth bulb growing in a vase of water?

I just picked this plant up from the store. What is the best way to take care of it? Can I leave it like it is and let it sit in the sun?
Dopey's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Should I prune a Venus Flytrap to prevent it from digesting itself?

My Venus Flytrap is quite crowded, there are traps under traps and I've noticed one clamped over the stems of another. Should I prune it? Will it digest itself?
BanksySan's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to take care of my potted orchid?

I have a phalaenopsis orchid at home. I have not done much to it in terms of taking care other than watering it. The base looks healthy but the top stem has dried up. What care do I need to take to ...
JStorage's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How can I save these etiolated aloe crowns with under watered stems?

Two succulent Aloe vera shoots easily fell off a friend's aloe plant from readjusting a pot. This plant is potentially under watered and, from looking at the main plant or by just observing the two ...
jeremy's user avatar
  • 373
10 votes
1 answer

Advice for overwhelmed beginner

I'm the new owner of a well established garden. Unfortunately I don't really know what I'm doing... Already I seem to have lots of problems (e.g. well established Rhododendron now near death), which ...
UpTheCreek's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Cycad - "Zamia fischeri" - large chunk from caudex

Advice please on what may have caused this large chunk to be taken from my specimen of Zamia fischeri? Background The plant was purchased about six months ago and I recently (three or four weeks ago) ...
andrewbuilder's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Pest, etiolation, soil or overwatering? Other causes of pale-brown tips in Aloe Vera

A friend has just given me an Aloe Vera with pale brown tips. Different sources have lead me to multiple non-conclusive possible causes; mainly: pests, etiolation, wrong type of soil or overwatering.....
Martin's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is this plant with green-pink leaves called?

I was shopping today, when I came across a plant I thought would make a nice small gift (image included). Unfortunately, besides being listed as a Danish plant on the label, what exactly is it?
Martin's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How often should I water an Amaryllis plant?

I have a red amaryllis plant that is currently looking like it's doing well. It hasn't yet flowered and it is in a fairly early stage of growth. The plant care instructions said that it's important to ...
Morella Almånd's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Can I salvage an over-watered tomato plant?

I've never tried growing tomatoes before and I recently went out and bought a tomato plant for my balcony. I initially re-potted the plant in too small a planter, so I re-re-potted it a week later. ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Care of red currant bushes

I've got two red currant bushes in my backyard, probably several years old, slightly neglected. Anyone have experience maintaining these? I'm about to string them up a bit as they have so much fruit ...
Chuck's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What is causing brown spots on my Alocasia Black Velvet?

About two months ago I bought an Alocasia black velvet for on my desk. My office has a large window and the plant stand at a distance of around 3 meters from the window, so not in direct sunlight. I ...
C Veek's user avatar
  • 91
8 votes
3 answers

How should we treat cracks in the stem of Aloe Veras?

I received this damaged Aloe Vera about 5 days ago and I found help, here mainly, to determine the source of its problems. So everything was on track now, until I realized that it had soil in between ...
Martin's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What houseplants will best filter the air for a retirement home?

My grandpa lives in a retirement home. I visit him on every Friday, so after browsing on this site, I was thinking to buy a plant or two for his room. Do you have any recommendations? Which is the ...
rda's user avatar
  • 263
8 votes
1 answer

What plant is this and how should we take care of it?

I am sorry for my ignorance in advance. My wife has received this beautiful plant as a Christmas present. We love to know what it is, and more importantly, how we should take care of it to keep it ...
user16434's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

How can I restore foliage in a Chinese Elm bonsai?

My Chinese Elm bonsai lost its foliage from the time of purchase (June) until now (November): Roots seem fine (i.e. not rotten): Is there something I can do (e.g. re-potting, pruning, feeding, ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
  • 285
8 votes
2 answers

What to do with a plant that can't support its own weight?

I received this plant (I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure what it is) a few years back when it was on death's door and only had a few living leaves left. I managed to bring it back to health but that ...
Ryan's user avatar
  • 337
8 votes
1 answer

Care for an indoor hyacinth after blooming

I have a hyacinth planted in a pot indoors. From what I have read, I should cut the stalk and let the leaves die naturally. So I cut the flower stalk but it seems now after about two months, the ...
ahmy's user avatar
  • 183
8 votes
1 answer

What is this small plant with large dark green leaves, and how do I care for it?

A friend just gave me one of her houseplants during her move to another apartment. She doesn't know what the name of this plant is and she didn't give me any instructions on how to care for it. The ...
LOSTinNEWYORK's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Can I save this basil?

I'm very new to this field, and these plants are all I have so far. A few days ago I bought them from IKEA and left them in the kitchen. My bad, I know and I apologize for it. Now I'd like to save ...
rda's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

My Areca Palm is dying

I bought a 5ft areca palm about a month ago. About two weeks after I purchased it, I noticed some leaves had spots and others were turning brown. Initially I thought it was normal but more leaves seem ...
user3016278's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Dracaena Fragrans Grafting?

Our office Dracaena Fragrans (called Wilson) is not healthy looking. The stalk of the plant is beige, woody and completely dried out. Once it was cut (before my time) a new stalk developed. This is ...
Carol Bussieres's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How long do Nepenthes leaves last without traps?

My nepenthes ventricosa x mira has lost two of the four traps it had when it shipped in but the leaves are still living, kinda growing, and are healthy. But I am wondering how long they will last. ...
Connor's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is my Kalanchoe healthy?

I first adopted my K. Blossfeldiana about a year ago from a friend of mine. When I got it, the flowers had all wilted and were falling off. Since then, it only blossomed around 2 or 3 flowers (single ...
user20750's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What do I do with my avocado plant during arctic winter?

I am going to start with describing my plant and how it has grown and its living conditions, and then I'll ask my questions later. So I have this indoor avocado plant which I planted from a nut and it ...
Nora Birgitte Johansen's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How can I grow endive seeds?

I have some endive seeds (Endivia 'Crispum'), and I want to know the guidelines on how to grow them. Our weather has been sunny with temperatures reaching low 60's at night and low 90's during the day....
user37026's user avatar
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Help is my cactus is dying, can it be saved

I recently bought a golden barrel cactus (about two months ago), judging by its size I would say the plant is about a year old. Everything has been perfect with it until Saturday. I usually water or ...
Alex.M's user avatar
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8 votes
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Sick Elderberry help

Recently I've seen my Elderberry trees develop some yellow leaves and I don't know what the problem could be or how to fix it, so I'll leave a picture if anybody can help me.
Juan Sebastian Rubiano Chona's user avatar
8 votes
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Will my Avocado plant survive having the stem bit off by a raccoon?

I have 2 avocado plants - grown from pits, indoors and just a year old. With the weather getting better, I moved them outside in their containers. It has been a week and they are outside day and night ...
Priya's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What books would be most useful as a reference for (vegetable) gardening?

There are a few main subjects such a book should cover, such as: the seasonal dependence of various plants (which can grow when, and when can one grow what), descriptions of the specific care ...
Betohaku's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is this shrub a rhododendron, and how can I help it to flourish?

My mom gave me this shrub/tree/bush a few years back. She told me it was a rhododendron but had no other information. I live on the border of Zone 4 and 5 in the Lake Michigan basin. I planted it ...
Albion's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What to do with the damaged leaves of the Snake Plant (Sansevieria)?

I planted my Snake plant today and chose the best from the bunch. However, some of the tips has either dried off or damaged by some other means. I am posting some pics for better understanding: Cut ...
4-K's user avatar
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Is my bougainvillea turning into a magic beanstalk?

I have a few bougainvillea plants around our house in Southwest Florida. Two are doing OK, the hanging one is bursting out in color with red bracts and white flowers, and there's this one... This is ...
unkfrank's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why is the foliage turning yellow on this climbing indoor vine?

I've had this plant in water until it grew enough roots and a few more leaves. I'm not sure what kind of plant this is, but its starting to grow longer; when it was only one little leaf when I rescued ...
LOSTinNEWYORK's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What are some heat tolerant nutritious greens I could plant for a tortoise?

I've recently posted a question about raising a few leafy greens, and turns out quite a few favor cold temperatures and will turn sour (bolt?) when exposed to heat. Our temperatures here should vary ...
user37026's user avatar
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7 votes
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When is the winter period for plants kept in a country with no winter (or a constant room temperature)?

Reading up on how to care for a Mammillaria Elongata Cactus I see it mentions such things as suspending watering in winter for best care (and to encourage better flowering) the preferred time to re-...
moobot's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What soil mixture should I use for my office Schefflera?

I'm on here again, asking more questions about my office's Schefflera that I'm in charge of. You can find pictures and a previous question here: Whats the next step to improving my schefflera? I ...
Dalton's user avatar
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