Questions tagged [phosphorous]

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8 votes
4 answers

The "phosphorus" question

Somebody just asked me a question that I had a hard time answering, so this is more or less their question which I am repeating. When it comes to gardening, plants need phosphorus (P). And they asked ...
Ljk2000's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Scorpion Pepper growth

Backstory Hey everyone, first post in this stack, so sorry if I didn't see an answer to these questions (I did check though). So I have a Scorpion Butch T plant that I bought about 2 months ago (63 ...
kyle_engineer's user avatar
5 votes
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How much P2O5 should I add to tomatoes

My tomatoes are developing purple spots at the bottom leaves. This is supposed to be a phosphorus deficiency. Tomatoes are growing in pots. Small ones are in around 4 gallons (~14 L) and big ones are ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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How to extract nutrients from soil?

I'm new to DIY farming and have invested in a vertical farming unit. I love the efficiency and effectiveness of these systems in providing nutrients, oxygen and water to the roots of plants in a small ...
Nxlevel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

My indoor strawberry plants stopped producing runners, could fertilizer be the reason?

I germinated some strawberry seeds from strawberries that I bought from the fruit guy on the corner sometime in October of last year. Once the plants got big enough to flower, they started producing ...
I-love-science's user avatar
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How long to see results in citrus tree after soil remediation?

I recently discovered that a nutrient imbalance might be contributing to a grapefruit tree having fruit with thick rinds and no fruit/pulp. Here's the explanation I'm working from. If I add bone meal ...
ASimonis's user avatar
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