Questions tagged [permaculture]

Horticultural/Agricultural systems modeled on ecological relationships.

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How to use hazelnut shells in the garden

I eat a lot of raw hazelnuts (I love them!) I have been trying to use the cracked shells in the garden for years. Here is a list some of my attempts: Composting them. This wasn't very effective, as ...
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What is the recommended elevation between the water table and the growing surface?

I'm starting to plan out my garden for the spring planting, and am trying to figure out how much surface I need between where the green part of the plants and the water table. I'm trying to have a big ...
black thumb's user avatar
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For 7 layer food forest what should be the sequence of plantation?

Location: Eastern India, West Bengal (Tropical Climate) For the following layer, is there any prescribed sequence of plantation? Canopy Understory Shrub Herb Ground cover Climber Root Questions Can ...
Sarbbottam's user avatar
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What does "an extremely popular host plant" mean?

I was reading about sweet fern, and it says "Wind-pollinated shrub that doesn’t attract bees or butterflies, but it is an extremely popular host plant for a wide variety of caterpillars: geometer ...
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