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How do you use potassium bicarbonate to control powdery mildew?

This post describes using potassium bicarbonate to control powdery mildew, but doesn't give any more info. So I'm looking for the following: Efficacy? Mixing rate? Application rate? Application ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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Should I tell my vineyard consultant to spray my fruit trees with the sulfur he sprays on the vineyard?

We have a very small (450 vines) pinot noir vineyard that we are raising organically. My vineyard consultant has people spray the vines with sulfur a few times each season. Last year, one of my ...
user227963's user avatar
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does fruit tree absorb pesticide and fungicide from the root level and will persist inside the fruit it produce? (specifically lime and date trees)

The specific situation is where there are two trees -- one lime and another date tree plant among the grass in the backyard where the grass area will get sprayed with conventional pesticide and ...
Ezeewei's user avatar
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How to treat lawn diseases (brown patch, leaf spot, melting) without fungicides?

Google tells me "stress your lawn", meaning cut the water for some time. But wouldn't that hurt it even more, given we are in mid summer? I live in Calgary, AB - Canada. Fungicides are a no-...
gto's user avatar
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