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How do I encourage my potted Lilac Palibin to grow more leaves and flowers?

I live in Munich, Germany, and have had my Lilac Palibin bush for nearly a year. It has grown well in its pot on my south-east-facing balcony. However, now spring has arrived it has few leaves up ...
Tempest16's user avatar
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How should I prune my lilac to shrink it?

I have a few lilacs on my property, but this one in particular is next to my house. When and how should I prune it? Ideally, I would like it to be about two feet less in diameter, but I’m worried that ...
Ian MacDonald's user avatar
5 votes
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Pruning a Lilac in November (South East, UK)

The leaves are falling off the 6'x6'x10' beast of a lilac I inherited from the previous homeowners, and I'm wondering whether now is an appropriate time to start reducing the height. The plan was to ...
James Finch's user avatar