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Can a dark but warm environment put plants into dormancy?

I bought a Juniper. During winter, can I make it undergo dormancy by putting it in a dark but warm (around 20 - 25 degree Celsius) location? Thanks.
JSCB's user avatar
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Heat and light a 6’x7’ room for plants

I have a 6’ x 7’ room (1.8/2.1 m) that I want to heat and light to bring my outdoor potted plants in for winter. How much light do I need? Will a 150 watt r40 flood light do the trick? Hibiscus mainly....
Ty Cooke's user avatar
7 votes
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What's a good alternative to Incandescent Christmas lights for frost protection?

I understand that gardeners used to wrap trees in Christmas lights to provide frost protection as incandescent lights gave off quite a bit of heat. Try as I might, I've been unable to find any ...
davidgo's user avatar
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Help determine lighting requirements for wintering small plants indoors

I live in zone8. I have a few plants I've been experimenting with. I broke a few stems off a friends tropical flowering plant they got at Home Depot, and have been propagating them successfully, but ...
Dalton's user avatar
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Glass vs plastic greenhouse covering: pros and cons

When building or buying a greenhouse, it seems to me that the material to use is one of the first concerns. The two options I'm trying to compare right now are glass and plastic films. The ...
Betohaku's user avatar
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9 answers

Can plants have too much light, or do they need night/rest?

Because we live in southern Canada, in the late fall, my mother likes to take as much of her garden indoors as she can fit, for the winter. She usually brings in her potted palms, a few flowers, at ...
Synetech's user avatar
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