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Questions tagged [frost]

Covering of ice caused by locally sub-freezing temperatures.

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11 votes
3 answers

Is an olive tree frost resistant?

Is an olive tree frost resistant? I have a small olive tree planted in a flower pot. There are small flies that put their larvae into the soil. Usually they are gone when the flower is outside for ...
PVitt's user avatar
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3 answers

What is considered a "cool climate" for cool climate plants? Can these plants better survive temporary frost?

Is a "cool climate" one that doesn't freeze? Is it one that doesn't freeze until such-and-such a month? Or is it one where the temperature almost always stays above freezing? Related to this, would "...
Peach's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best time and method for planting cauliflowers / broccoli in a southern US climate with frosts?

Inspired by the various brassicas questions, I was thinking of trying to grow some. Choosing something that I would eat, I'm thinking of either broccoli and/or cauliflower. From what I have been able ...
winwaed's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

How can I best get an alert if overnight frost is predicted? [closed]

What's the best way to get warned if there's going to be a frost? Is there website or online service which will email me? My priority would be a service which emails only in the event of frost ...
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