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What's a good alternative to Incandescent Christmas lights for frost protection?

I understand that gardeners used to wrap trees in Christmas lights to provide frost protection as incandescent lights gave off quite a bit of heat. Try as I might, I've been unable to find any ...
davidgo's user avatar
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How to protect potted vineplants from cold temperatures?

I have two vineplants in 40-litre-pots on my rooftop garden. This will be their first winter outside and I want to protect them from freezing to death. I live in an area where there are a lot of ...
Kaadzia's user avatar
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Salvia rosmarinus - frost hardiness

I found it can survive -6 °C. But that's not clear, is -6 °C for 2 weeks still fine? Is -2 °C for a week still fine? In both cases, it means 24/7 frost, it's not the same as temporary temperature fall ...
user1209216's user avatar