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Is there an ideal drainage to soil layer ratio in terrarium etc.?

The question is about the size, ratio and composition of the drainage and soil layers in some improvised terrarium. It's made out of a 8'' (20cm) truncated/shaved off glass sphere (basically a cookie/...
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4 votes
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Improve drainage of lawn and boggy border

The lawn at the front of my house slopes down to where it meets with my neighbours half. Running down one side of it and in front of the garage is a border. In one of the photos you can see the end ...
Danny's user avatar
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How thick does the impermeable layer need to be when grading a yard?

I'm grading my yard and have found a deep layer of sand (at least 2 ft) extending out about 10ft. Perhaps the sub base for a patio? I understand I need an impermeable layer to ensure rain runs away ...
Tenz's user avatar
  • 21
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Will the new soil hill in our backyard cause water damage to our neighbor’s house below us?

In order to maximize the amount of play space in our backyard, we recently had many yards of soil brought in. We live on a slope. Our neighbors home behind our backyard is about 3 feet below our ...
Matthew Walk's user avatar