Questions tagged [cucumbers]

Cucumis sativus, member of the gourds with cylindrival "fruit" which are eaten as a vegetable.

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9 votes
1 answer

What is this little insect larvae on my cucumbers?

Need help identifying these little monsters creatures on my cucumber plants. It doesn't look like a beetle but working along side beetles.
amol's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why did my young cucumbers turn yellow and fall off?

small cucumbers turned yellow My baby cucumbers turned yellow and fell off. I have 2 cucumber plants that produced 8 cucumbers each, however, ...
user3142694's user avatar
5 votes
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Only female flowers on English cucumber

I got some cucumber plants from the nursery. Now I have got a few cucumbers and it turns out that they are actually English cucumber. Further, I am seeing only female cucumber flowers. There has not ...
Desi Mazdur's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

What causes cucumber leaves to turn yellow, brown, wilt, die, and the plants to stop producing?

Every year it seems my cukes will go gang busters then suddenly the leaves turn yellow (starting with yellow spots), then turn brown, wilt and slowly die off. This all happens from the root crown and ...
Bill's user avatar
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1 answer

What steps can I use to encourage pollination?

I have some plants that have many flowers but not very many vegetables being produced; sometimes it seems as if I'm growing the plants for the pretty flowers and not for the vegetables that may ...
Michael Todd's user avatar
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What are the practical differences between cucurbits grown from seed and cuttings?

What are the practical differences between cucumbers grown from seed and cucumbers of the same maturity level and equivalent root maturity from cuttings? Is there a significant difference between ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Cucumber with bacterial wilt, what to do to save other plants?

On Saturday, my cucumbers looked perfectly healthy. On Sunday, half of one of my cucumbers had very wilty leaves. On Monday, the other half of the cucumber's leaves were all wilty. I have seen ...
NeutronStar's user avatar