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Questions tagged [bark]

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My parrot chewed about 1/3 of the bark from my Norfolk pine plant. The branches are hanging down; how can I save it?

My African Grey Parrot chewed the bark off about 1/3 of my Norfolk Island Pine plant. The branches are still green, but they are hanging down. How can I save it? Is Bark wrap a good idea? I’m willing ...
Robin's user avatar
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Help my asian pear tree got some girdling

I'm located in south NJ. last year I realized that my tree was bowing over from the weight of the fruits. so not thing this through then, I tied some rope to straighten it over time thinking I was ...
Joseph Wit's user avatar
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Can I save this Aspen?

Due to a hand towel tied low down around my Aspen's trunk, its bark has rotted in a ring around the trunk. I removed the hand towel when I noticed that the leaves were dried out as if the tree were ...
Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Will red cedar bark grow back?

I have a question about a large red cedar tree that I have two of them actually a contractor doing some land leveling ran over the trunk and stripped some of the bark off for some reason this is ...
Jake Michael's user avatar
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Recommendations for Cedar tree bark damage

The bark on this cedar tree got nicked by a falling branch. We don’t want to lose this tree, so I’m researching the best course of action. One horticulturalist friend told me to just strip off the ...
Brandon Jackson's user avatar
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Any idea what's girdling my apple tree?

I've got a small (and always struggling) apple tree in my yard, which just looked at for the first time this spring and discovered that the bottom foot or so of outer bark is mostly missing. I ...
keshlam's user avatar
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