Questions tagged [air-layer]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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When would fruit trees start bearing fruits if they're propagated with the layering method?

Many fruit trees take years to bear fruits. For example, apple trees can take two to seven years depending on their rootstock, and up to around 10 years if seed grown. Another interesting example is ...
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Osakazuki maple propagation

I have this maple and wondering if I can propagate easily from it. How good are this maples at air layers and rooting hardwood/softwood cuttings? Generally speaking, would these species yield better ...
JonathanC's user avatar
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How long will my air-layered lemon tree take to produce fruit?

I air layered a branch which is at least 1 year old (between 1-2 years) from a lemon tree which is very mature, over 15 years old and fruits profusely. It developed a decent root system (not heaps of ...
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