The bacteria for quick cycling a tank you might be able to find at your local fish store, you will find some aquarists who don't trust that, though, and it'll be expensive for a larger scale pond. You probably are dealing with heartier fish, so you may be willing to risk more.
If you're not in a hurry, though, you can do a fishless cycle using just ammonia. If you set your tank up with sufficient oxygen (bubblers, filters and such) and ammonia (4-5 ppm) and monitor it the bacteria will grow, you'll be able to tell by monitoring your ammonia levels and watching them drop more rapidly. In place of buying pure ammonia you can use fish food, it will break down into the needed components. Don't forget to provide places for the bacteria to grow.
Some people use actual fish to speed up the process as well. If your fish are inexpensive you may try that.
And always the best thing: if you have a friend beg him for some used filter media!
(P.S. Are you setting this up in the winter? Fish have a lowered immune system in cold water- the shock of a new environment in the cold can kill them.)