I have this growing in our back yard here in the Pacific North West US:
(Photo taken in late March)
It's full of these drooping white flowers and (what I think are) new red leaves. Feels kind of tropical.
Right now it's about 10' tall. I'm not sure if it's a bush or a tree (or if it matters).
The problem is that it was planted about 6' away from a nice Japanese Maple. So this looks rather silly at this scale next to the diminutive maple.
My question(s):
- does anyone know what this is?
- at this size, could it be heavily pruned to encourage new growth and then maintained at a more manageable size (say 4' or so)
- at this size, could it be dug up and replanted somewhere else?
- if it can be heavily pruned, can that be done now, or should I wait until next winter to do it?