I had some new youngish fruit trees, I am not sure which variety this was... (plum, I think) Anyways I have issues where deer will come and bite off a branch, Later in the fall they bit this piece off and I tried to clone it... Cut it to a nice shape, cut little notches up the shaft a bit and root hormoned it, I have kept it wet (went directly in soil and I have kept the soil damp/wet all through the winter and I brought the branch in. The leaves grew afterward and that greenish growth happened early winter. The leaves dried out a bit (I didn't want to wet them, mold risk) and we have real dry winters.
With that said, for a few months it has looked just like this. No new leaves, no growth (its under 24 hours of light, lazy and I need my timers for my livestock).
Did it root? Is it stunted? Should I just toss it?
Ignore the long green branches, its rose rootings that have taken over (yes I know their leaves are dryish too.) Also I think that's a weed growing in the pot, was going to let it leaf out first to make sure it wasnt a shoot.