I have a bijou patch of grass in front of my house, that for reasons I won't go into has been "mowed" with a strimmer (weed wacker) repeatedly.
The lawn is basically trashed, lots of moss and dandelions. It occurred to me that instead of repairing the lawn to billiard table perfection I could plant wildflower seeds in it. I'm not looking the entirely replace the grass, just have grass and flowers - a tiny meadow.
I have a simple box of wildflower seeds and it says this is the time of year to plant - first raking to a depth of 2 inches then sowing, raking again, and watering - but this assumes bare soil.
What would I need to do differently to plant in among my dandelions and moss (and grass)? What could I skip and still get something popping up - I'm not too sure about easily raking 2 inches into soil full of grass roots for example.
Can I just beat the problem with volume and throw three boxes on the grass and get something?