I have an infestation of bluebells, (or at least, some type of weed that produces pretty blue flowers that grow from bulbs), in my lawn. Last year I dug a whole bunch of them out, but they've returned with a vengeance this spring.
I don't want to dig all of them out again, for a couple of reasons:
I'm worried that they multiplied last year because I didn't dig them out properly or something. Could this have happened, or are the plants that have come up this year just bulbs that didn't grow last year?
I don't want to have even more pockmarks all over my lawn.
Also, I can't use glyphosate because they're on my lawn and I don't want to kill the grass. Finally, there are too many to cover each one individually with black plastic bags, and even if I did, the lawn would look really bad.
So my main question (in addition to (1) above): if I periodically snip the leaves as short as I can, to stop them from photosynthesizing, will the bulbs eventually run out of stored energy? How many years will this take? Would it be better to wait until they flower every year and then cut them?
I don't have pictures of the flowers but here are the leaves after mowing the lawn.