I want to grow a garden on a lot of land on the Faroe Islands. It is on a slope of rocky ground next to the sea. I am leaning towards wild blueberries and bill berries, but I have concerns over if they, or any other berry, can be grown on the Faroes.
Research done
I have a short and limited background in agriculture, and that guided me in looking up some tables on climates for agriculture, what is grown in similar climates, and what books I should read and reference.
The Faroe Islands, Iceland, Maine and Alaska are in the same temperature zone for agriculture. But they also have dissimilar weather. The local climate is literally saltier.
What is native elsewhere
Wild Blue Berries and Bill Berries grow wild in Alaska, Maine and Iceland. However, Blue Berries are grown mostly in Oregon, Washington and Canada in North America.
Iceland does produce some crops, such as kale, carrots and potatoes, without greenhouses, and fodder crops such as grass and barley. Common junipers do grow wild in Iceland.
The Faroese Conditions
Due to high winds and severe storms, the country is mostly devoid of forests. There are some managed plantations, but wild trees have been blown over long ago. Native plants are mostly grasses, mosses and flowers. There are low-laying bushes where there is shelter from the wind, provided by depressions or geological features. Due to how exposed to the sea the Faroes are, the air is saltier, and consequently, the ground is a little salty. Otherwise, winters are mild, and summers cool. The ground is rocky, with shallow topsoil.
What I am looking for
I am looking for a list of berries I can grow on my lot of land. It isn't much; it came with the house I lease, and want to work the land and produce something. I am not a professional farmer and do not intend to have a commercial operation growing berries, but I want to grow berries nonetheless.
I would also be interested in knowing if Juniper berries can be grown here.
Available resources
I have access to a tractor and equipment, and can either plow or till the land.
I can automate and manage some tasks with micro controllers.
I can cover rows with a plastic sheet, supported by bent poles.