I have planted indoors some red peppers and tomatos in a vertical urban garden, and I saw a mushroom growing in a corner (when I decided to take a picture, it had broken down). Today I have seen another mini-mushroom growing. I am using a regular substrate/soil, this is the one I bought. These are the ingredients (I will translate them so in gardening argot it might be different):
Mix of coconut fiber, blonde peat, black peat, composted vegetal material, organic matter and perlite.
My guess is that inside this "organic matter", with humidity, etc... But I am not sure. I have also seen it twice. What is this mushroom? Is this normal? Are these mushrooms safe(for the plants and/or for me to eat)? It reminds me a bit random shrooms that can grow in your garden (at least it happened to me). I sometimes have my window open (not that often now that it's cold), but I doubt a spore may have come flying, twice. I do not live in the countryside.
Maybe this is a similar question but it did not have any answers.