Pardon this being a bit of a stretch for gardening, it's the closest StackExhange I could think of.
I keep worms for vermicomposting and in addition to food scraps and browns I supplement their diet with a "worm food" product. It's a purchased product which comes as a fairly dry mix of food and I store it in a metal can with a lid since mice have found it delicious.
Today I found it had been infested by moths, so I'm considering if I can kill the moths and feed the rest to the worms. I have enough it would be a bit of a waste to dispose of.
I'm curious if there would be a simple way to kill the moths, larvae, and eggs. Would deep-freezing do the trick? Or even just dumping the food, moths and all, into a new worm bin and covering them with a few inches of the usual wormbin contents?