We're in the fortunate position where we've moved to a house which came with an adjoining acre of woodland; a mix of oak, sycamore, hawthorn, elder, and lots more that I'm too inexperienced to identify.
We'd like to get some advice on how best to manage this land; i.e. what trees to cut back to let light in in order to better enable others to grow / that sort of thing, as various people have advised that (e.g.) sycamore is sometimes seen as invasive / damaging to other parts of the habitat.
Several people have suggested "getting a survey done", where you can pay an expert to study your land and advise on how to best improve it as for habitat best suited to your local wildlife; but so far we've not found any such surveys; only studies to advise on risks for insurance/mortgages/etc.
Does anyone know of the name of this type of survey so we can more easily search for it, or of organisations who perform this sort of work?
Additional info: We're based in Norfolk in the UK.