My Schefflera started to get a lot of brown leaves and after some time drop them.
I've already used the almighty google but didn't find pictures that match the symptomes closely, so here I am. I've attached pictrues showing the leaves, plant and the plant relative to the window. The leaves in question are most of the time on the "inside" of the plant, so maybe light is the problem.
Bought the plant two months ago, is still in original pot and gets watered roughly once a week with roughly 1/2 liter of water making sure there is no standing water. I've also fertilized the plant two times with liquid hydroponics fertilizer in the same concentration I use on my young (first adult leaves) hydro salad (which is doing great).
Not enough light? Mold? Not enough water? To much water? Shock from fertilizer? Not enough air circulation? To cold (15°-19°C)?