I have been looking forward to morning glory flowers brightening up my garden, but they aren’t doing well. The back right stems started to die almost right after I put the trellis in, and it traveled from the bottom up the stem (up-close photo) so I thought I maybe disrupted the roots. But then the middle sprout went, which you can’t really see in the photo as it’s no longer upright. I’m starting to notice leaves drying out on the front and left back stems but hoping I can save them.
They are in direct Los Angeles, California sun from 8am to about 4pm. I have been unsure of how much to water them as I know morning glories like to dry out, but don't know if these little ones are at that stage yet (when are they no longer considered "seedlings?"). Regardless, the soil doesn't really dry out, and I noticed it's pretty compact. Perhaps it's holding too much moisture? If that's the case, would it be too disruptive to remove the plants to loosen up the soil and mix in more perlite?