I have just planted my avocado seed in soil, and it had grown about 30 cm tall. I read online that you were supposed to cut it back when it was still around 20 cm so two weeks ago I did what everyone was saying. Now it’s been 2 weeks and no new leaves have grown out. I can see what look like tiny leaves around the stem but they have been there since day 1 and don’t seem to be growing (a couple have fallen off too). I don't think I have killed it since it's been two weeks and the stem is still green... My question is, has this happened to any of you? Do you think I killed it or there's something I can do, or do I just have to wait and pray? Please help me :)
EDIT: You were right! My avocado after a month was able to push out new leaves from the side! Now it’s kind of funny because it has a cactus shape but it’s a great example of resilience. I will never cut it back again unless has grown a lot I promise!