A question like this comes down to many personal factors such as how often you use them, how much tool-pride you have, would you prefer rusted tools or tools with dings and dents in the blade. To help you make an informed choice for you I've compiled some info from wikipedia:
Spring Steel is a type of carbon steel that will return to its original shape despite significant bending or twisting. The benefit of Spring Steel tools is that even with heavy use, they will return to their original shape.
However, two points to consider:
- Are you currently using your tools so much that they are being permanently damaged?
If you buy good quality (stainless steel) tools you should find they aren't easily damaged. If they are maybe the real problem is the way you're treating your tools.
- Spring steel is a Carbon Steel which means there is no requirement for Chromium
(Chromium is the element that is added to iron to make Stainless Steel)
Spring Steel may be prone to rust. I think this will be more detrimental to your tools than some dings in the blade.
The best possible tool would be Spring Steel with Chromium. If such a product exists, it would be a good investment.