I have a plum tree that's about 8 years old. For the first time last year, it produced a bumper crop, having only given a few the previous years. Not realising it was a good idea, I never pruned it.
The problem was that the weight of the fruit was too much for some of the branches, and three of them broke. They remained attached enough for the fruit to survive, so I left them as they were.
From what I've read, now is the time for pruning, and I would like some advice as to how I should deal with this tree. Obviously, I want a healthy tree that's going to give me as much fruit as possible.
Here is an overall shot of the tree...
As you can see, due to my lack of pruning, the branches are quite long. Two of the branches broke close to the main stem (just in front of the green post in the middle of the picture), and they look like this...
The other branch that broke is a bit harder to see, but is in the middle of the clump of branches that goes off to the right.
Anyone able to advise how I make the most of this tree? In case it makes any difference, I'm in North-West England.