I live in Bangalore, India and was gifted a plant 4 weeks back. It's a small one, has small thick leaves.
It was fine for couple of weeks. After which the leaves turned a little yellow, 6 to 7 leaves became soft and withered off. Even the plant itself has started to droop and become very floppy.
I have kept the plant indoors, out of sunlight, watering it every alternate day. The soil is moist to the touch.
Please help me identify the plant and provide tips on getting it healthy.
--- UPDATE (30 Jan 2020) ---
It's been a day since I kept the plant outside so that the sun shines for an hour or so only in the morning.
:'( the plant is completely limp now.
Only one stem looks a little stiff but overall it looks like it's in a bad state. Can I do anything, to help the plant heal?