If been told that this is an Amaryllis but I'm very doubtful.
Thanks to the clue given by @GardenGems I have finally narrowed it down to bromeliads
It has a baby that looks slightly different
I had a look at the roots and I'm confused..... they look like orchid roots! The growing medium is 40% wood chips!
The roots are flexible like thick string with a coat around them almost like a pre filter! Inside of the 1 cm coat/tunnel is ample space for the 3 milliliter thick roots to move around
The coat is like dry mushrooms, almost spongy and measures less then a milliliter thick but completely surrounds the inner root all the way to the tip.
Also I noticed what looks like a fungal infestation with in the filter of the root coat but it might be a symbiotic relationship as the roots with in the coat still look healthy.
The plant is battered and overwatered and cold let's see if I can help it reverse its miss fortune any advice is most welome.
thanks to @polypipe-wrangler i took a look at the pot and its on the pot