So to start off, this 100% without a doubt NOT Shiitake, but we'll come back to that. I'm glad you doubted the google image search results!
In response to the comment differentiating between mushrooms growing on roots vs. soil: It's not uncommon for wood decomposing mushrooms to look to be growing in soil when they are growing from buried wood. Species that grow on roots may also grow from above ground wood, stumps etc.
The mushrooms in your photos are growing in tight clusters, this is not a trait present in shiitakes. As for the general appearance, this is what shiitakes look like:
Now that said, to positively ID anything, shiitake included, you would need to be able to inspect the gills, flesh and stalk characteristics and more and understand what you are looking for. Another part of IDing a mushroom is feeling & sometimes smelling. We can't even get a close look at the gills in these photos (although they are very good as far as photos go). Also, I am NOT an expert.
It looks as though you are in the US North East, correct? I should note that my wild mushroom gathering is limited to the montane & coastal west of the US. Although many species are present in both areas, I cannot claim to be in the least familiar with what grows in your area. That is to say, there are undoubtedly many possibilities for what you have growing that I have never come across before. In no way is this next bit intended to ID these mushrooms, just to demonstrate the point that without more information there are too many candidates. Now, some possibilities as I see it are:
- Galerina marginata (Deadly Galerina)
- Hypholoma fasciculare (Sulfur Tuft)
- Hypholoma sublateritium (Brick Cap)
- Armillaria solidipes (Honey Mushroom)
- Armillaria mellea (Honey Mushroom)
- Lyophyllum decastes (Fried Chicken Mushroom)
- Flammulina velutipes (Enokitake)
I can't stress enough there is SO much more to IDing than just a photo IE: When broken, does the stipe snap like chalk, or is it stringy? Are the gills (if there are gills) free, decurrent, attached? Does the flesh change color when bruised? Does it exude any liquids when broken? What color is the spore print? Is the cap sticky, scaly, hairy? Is there a ring or partial veil? & on & on. Just one of these may be all you have to differentiate between something poisonous or not.
You can try to ID here:
Better yet, pick up a book, maybe something like: Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada by Timothy J. Baroni (never read it, but it appears to cover your area) and EVEN BETTER than that, get in touch with your local mycological society!
Also note though that there is huge variation in appearance within even the same species, depending on light, age, humidity, genetic variation.