6 days ago I had a landscaping company perform a lawn renovation. The first few inches of the existing turf was removed and new loam was trucked in, followed by hydroseeding.
Shortly after the hydroseeding, we had some pretty torrential rains overnight. Now looking at the soil, countless rocks and sticks seem to have been exposed or surfaced by the rain. The entire yard is covered in rocks and twigs, some upwards of an inch, some sticks measuring several inches or longer. They quote was for screened loam, but now I'm dubious and I don't know how to proceed. If it was screened it was clearly screened to maybe an inch at best. It looks like total crap and I worry about the impact on the grass and the ability to mow it safely. I'm not sure how to proceed.
Is this normal, or am I getting screwed? Can this be raked out without damaging the seedlings and requiring re-seeding? Any advice appreciated.