Two days ago I noticed this thing growing semi-covered in my garden near a grapevine:
As you can see, it was light purpalish - light pinkish kind of colour. On touch it was a bit soft, and the diameter of the whole thing was not more than 5-8cm. As far as I know, it looked like a mushroom.
Yesterday I decided to pick up this "mushroom" and slice it in order to try identifying it. I should say that removing this from the ground needed just a gentle pull.
Here is the unexpected result:
The slice showed the following (outer to inner):
- Skin layer
- Green jelly-like substance that was sticky to touch
- White and hard to touch porous main part
- Jelly-like white center
This thing does not look like anything I have seen before. I am no more even sure, that it was a mushroom.
Can you identify this?
I live in hardinest zone 6, Bulgaria. The thing was growing under a grape vine, so most of the day it was in shadow. It has been quite hot these days, around 30 C and above.
EDIT: To give you more sense of the size, one of these things is as wide as the circle you get by touching your thumb and index finger.
EDIT: After 36 hours in the composter, the white hard part has grown quite a bit. The plastic card on the photo is the size of a credit card.
EDIT: After consulting a Mushrooms Encyclopaedia, it turned out that this is actually Phallus hadriani. This corresponds to the observation Bamboo made for the root like thing - it is actually "aggregations of mycelium that resemble plant roots". Beside this, it appears that this species is endangered in Bulgaria... Next time I see it I'll just let it fruit and hopefully spread.