i got this peace lily on May 17th from a garden centre (in england) i’ve inserted a pic from the day i got it, nice and perky and upright. i’ve been watering as instructed when the soil begins to dry out, giving it a good amount and making sure to check the pot for standing water. i have used bottled mineral water rather than tap water as i was told tap water can be bad for them. i also mist it every day or so with a fine mister. it stays indoors on my desk 3 to 4 feet away from an East facing window. i try to open the blind early so it gets a bit of morning sun but that is not every day because of British weather. so mostly it says in relatively low light. the temp in my room is ~18c
over the last few days however, it’s getting droopy and not lifting up much. i watered it a few days ago when i noticed it looking thirsty and although it lifted a little it still looked thirsty so i gave more which perked it up a bit, but it’s now drooping again already. i am not sure what chemicals they used at the garden centre but there are currently 9 spathes which i’m assuming are because of fertilisers, does it need more water whilst flowering? it has good leaf colour and shine, the leaves are bouncy and stems seem to have good integrity. i have included another pic of the drooping, and i also took it outside to have a look at the root system after watering to see if it looked overly pot bound. i know this isn’t the usual ‘dramatic’ wilting, but i’m a new plant mum and really want to take good care. drooping again within 2 days of watering i figured i might be going wrong somewhere.