When you grow cannabis indoor, it is considered beneficial, to have lights turned on up to 24h / day, during the "grow" phase. While this would prevent blooming, it is beneficial for building plant material.
When you grow spices and herbs, such as rosmary, savory, thymian, parsley etc., wouldn't it be beneficial to have the lights on 24h / day? Or do they need some dark time?
I have them in a room, which receives some indirect sun light. In addition, I have some grow lights on top of them, which are on for about 14h per day, during the day.
My idea is, to increase the lighting time to 24h / day and make use of the much cheaper night electricity price by either artificially lighting only during the night or artificially lighting 24h.
Would this be a good idea or do herbs and spices definitely need dark time?