We got a banana tree last year and brought it inside to overwinter it. The tree was never put into the ground, it stayed in a large pot and is still in the large pot.
Our overwintering method was to cut off every leaf besides the two topmost leaves, place it in an area of a room with very little sunlight and not much artificial light either, and not water it.
The tree lasted Winter just fine; a good portion of the leaves are dried and brown, a good portion of the outer part of the trunk is also dried and brown, and one of the leaves didn't make it either, but it's still alive and we didn't lose the 5 feet plus of growth that we achieved last Summer.
But now the threat of frost is over and we need to place it back outside. And while there are tons of information about overwintering a banana, I've had trouble finding much information about bringing it back after overwintering it.
What steps do we need to take to bring our banana tree back outside? Should we slowly introduce it to sunlight similar to introducing seedlings to sunlight, or will it be fine to just place in direct sunlight and leave it there? What about watering it? The soil is currently bone-dry and it was only watered once over winter with about 2 cups of water. Should we start watering it slowly or should we just take the hose to it until it's saturated?
Any and all suggestions are appreciated.