I'm in the Pacific Northwest (Portland, OR area).
I have a couple of these small (currently 8-10') trees in my back yard. The previous owners of the house pollarded the trees at some point, probably 6-7 years ago, so I can't determine their natural height.
Here's a full view.
The younger growth is curious in that the branches and stems have little "wings" in pairs alternating and offset by 90°, as seen in the following two images.
A Google search on "tree branch with wings" turns up some images that look vaguely similar under the name "winged elm" but I'm not sure it's the same tree. The image in Wikipedia for Ulmus alata bears only a passing resemblance to the branches on my trees, on which the wings are much "sharper", clearly arranged in opposing pairs and alternating 90° at 1-2" intervals.
Is this a variety of winged elm, or something else?