- two tomato plants - one is some kind of a plum tomato, and the other is a black tomato.
- the plum tomato's seed was taken from a freshly cut plum tomato (which was bought at the supermarket).
- the plum tomato was planted and grown indoors until it was about a month old, at which time it was taken outside.
- the plum tomato seemed to be doing great, until it was moved outside.
- the black tomato's seed was taken from a bag of seeds imported from eastern Europe.
- the black tomato was planted and grown outdoors.
- both tomato plants grow in a ready-made soil bought from a nursery, in a spacious plastic container. They're both located at a sunny spot, though near buildings blocks some of the sun, so they get about 4-6 hours of direct daily sunlight.
The issue:
- since being taken outside, the plum tomato exhibits yellowing of leaves, drying and falling off of leaves (especially leaves which were in direct sunlight) and is overall sick-looking.
- the black tomato seemed to be OK up until now, when it has started to show similar symptoms.
The plum tomato:
The black tomato:
I'm suspecting this might be a virus, or a fungal infection of some sort, like the Fusarium wilt or Verticillium wilt, but I'm not sure.
How should I treat them?
Also, is it possible that the infection got into the soil and will affect plants that will be planted instead?