It's what I like to call

The Alien Fungus

The Alien Fungus,

the plants don't seem to be happy about it, but they do give fruit - it grows in continental Croatia, Europe, typical yearly temperature range -20 to 40 and high humidity with heavy clay (surrounded by an old forrest).

Some of the affected trees are a bit weak and tend to fall under the snow more often, they do give fruit but not as much as one would expect.

I'm also looking for a remedy for this, if possible (as much as is possible):

  1. non-toxic
  2. natural
  3. can be applied during fruiting/flowering

UPDATE this good answer seems to have ID-ed the brown thing and that it feeds on dead wood (ie wood already dead)- but it seems now that the blueish-whiteish growth is a separate growth and is possibly killing the wood, does someone recognize it?

UPDATE the same answer as above ID-ed the blue-white thing as lichen - not harmful

1 Answer 1


Looks like chocolate slime mold... Seriously... Also known as Stemonitopsis. It is normally feeding on dead trees, so I don't think it is causing your tree problems. If parts of your trees are dead (which they feed on) it has probably another cause.

  • Good point! And good id it seems! Funny enough, the growth is on the main trunk, and the trees give fruit. Is it possible it's two beings, one killing, one eating what dies? The blue The Stemonitis & the whitish-bluish growth?
    – bbozo
    Commented Jun 4, 2018 at 10:50
  • 2
    The blue things on the bark you mean? They are Lichen, and are a good sign (of unpolluted and healthy air). They are no harm for your tree, but they are slow growers so they indicate that your trees are old... Do you know how old they are?
    – benn
    Commented Jun 4, 2018 at 10:53
  • Good, thank you. Quite old, possibly 15 years, maybe 20, maybe it's just old age?
    – bbozo
    Commented Jun 4, 2018 at 10:54
  • 3
    Yeah maybe old age, or something invisible (fungus?) inside. But the Lichen are not harmful for your tree.
    – benn
    Commented Jun 4, 2018 at 10:56

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