I have had some tomato seedlings growing in my little green house (or grow room) for about a week now. This morning I went down to check on everything (I check morning and night) and tonight I noticed a issue. Some of my tomatoes have died. I took one out and took a closer look and noticed that the top (leaves) was fine, the root was fine, but the middle wasn't. It was all dried up. I don't understand what is going wrong. This happened to 5. The rest are healthy, but this is a threat to me. A threat because this is the first year I have every started my own seeds and I don't know if I am doing something wrong or if this is common. Any help would be greatly appreciated(SP?).
Update: I have now got a picture of the tomato. Amazingly it still has a healthy looking top, even though I found it like this last night, I thought it would be dried up by now.
Also I figured to mention my soil mixture and water habit. The soil is Miracle grow potting mix (50%) and then coco coir (50%). When it comes to watering I wait till the soil is nearly dry and add some into the tray underneath the cell tray, so the water soaks in from the bottom.
So there it is in the center, if the grow light messes with your eyes and prefer normal light I could get my portable flood light and get another picture, just let me know.