I am having a small experimental box with brown champignons in my basement. It already had two great waves of mushrooms, but it seems I waited too long because they all were opened up already.
When I watched the day before, I harvested a few big ones and left the smaller ones to grow a little more - next day all of them were opened and didn't have the typical champignon shape anymore.
I have also noticed, that my mushroom stems seem to be quite long in relation to the mushroom head (e.g. 10cm/4inches) in average.
Champignons are grown on straw substrate covered with clay-based soil (all ready and prepped by the shipper) The room is pretty dry but the box is covered with a perforated plastic sheet to contain more moisture. Room temperature is 10-14 degrees, it's pretty dark most of the day (just enough light to walk around when eyes are conditioned)
So here my questions:
- How do I know when to harvest a champignon?
- When I harvest, should I cut the stem or just rip/screw it out?
- Do I have to harvest all at once, no matter what size?
- Anything I can do to grow them bigger heads smaller stems?
The mushroom box
First harvest
Just 1-2 days later