The growth of my peace lily has stunted. Should I fertilize my peace lily with humic acid? Can it substitute NPK?
I brought this plant home 4 months back, when it was new to our home. Its growth was marvelous (3-4 leaves per month), but with the passage of time its growth slowed down by a great extent, to hardly 1 leaf in a month.
It receives copious amount of light, and the humidity is doing fine at 60%. I allow the soil to dry between watering.
After seeing slow growth I repotted it last month, in a new pot with 2 inches larger diameter then the previous pot. It didn't show any sign of transplant shock.
The root system was healthy, the soil is very well drained, and the pot has several holes at bottom.
I cant figure out the problem. The plant is not doing very well even though everything seems good. To me it looks healthy, but the growth is very slow and the tips are getting brown.