So, I have two Bromeliads (I don't know specific names) for conversation sake, until identified I've labeled the pics Small Brom(1st 3 pics) and Larger Brom(last 2 pics) below. Please see blooms. Both of their blooms are starting to brown. I held up white paper behind each in the close ups, so it's a little easier to see color contrast.

Can you please help identify types of Bromeliads I have?

Also, at what point do I snip the blooms? And how far down do I snip? Or do I wait for them to fall off? The small Brom has 4 pups and the larger has 6, which I was told is very unusual. Is this unusual or normal? The small Brom has a bloom thats formed at the top of the leaves (doesn't have it's own stock coming from core, like the larger Brom) so I assumed where to snip the blooms would differ? I'm really unsure though.

They both have more than quadrupled in size and are not in their original pots. I didn't know until a recent post I asked about a different Brom, that I should've have reported them, and that they prefer to get root bound... So if you were curious about their pot size, that's why... My bad :(

Small Brom Full View pic1

Small Brom side view of bloom pic2

Small Brom too view of bloom pic3

Larger Brom Side view of Bloom Pic1

Larger Brom Close up view of Bloom Pic2

Larger Brom sideview better light Pic3

Larger Brom Better Light Pic4

Small Brom Better light Pic4

  • The second one looks like a Tillandsia of some sort, maybe T. cyanea, although the leaves seem a little too broad. Better lit photos might help - the actual plant is not well lit in the images, particularly the first three.
    – Bamboo
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 14:11
  • I'll try to add more when I get home from work. Thanks @Bamboo
    – Christy B.
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 16:37
  • I added pics with better lighting; last 3 pics edited in @Bamboo
    – Christy B.
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 21:45
  • Just an aside, I am bad about this...your clay pot shows salt residue. Are you using tap water? It is starting to show in the leaves as well. Browning tips and margins. The plant in the clay pot has a dead center. That needs to be removed. How are you watering your plants? I would try to find a friend that has a well and fill up big water bottles. The fluoride and chlorine and heavy metals and and and that they dump in our municipal waters is not only bad for us humans but horrid for potted plants.
    – stormy
    Commented Oct 7, 2017 at 2:00
  • And definitely cut those flowers off as low as you are able. All that seed making energy will be sent back to the plant for other more important processes.
    – stormy
    Commented Oct 7, 2017 at 2:03

1 Answer 1


The first plant is a Guzmania possibly lingulata.

The second plant is likely to be a Vriesea or possibly a variety of Guzmania.

They are both tough plants and you should not overthink maintenance on these plants. Remove the flower at the base when it doesn't look good. I have seen florists get some silver or sparkly spray paint and go to town on the flower with no ill effects on the plant.

  • What's the orange ball shaped thing in the foliage of the second picture?
    – Bamboo
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 21:07
  • It's a decorative snail pin @Bamboo. He's about an inch wide if that helps in size comparison
    – Christy B.
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 21:45
  • 1
    @ChristyB. - ha ha, I've been puzzling over that, couldn't even see it properly in the earlier pics. I agree with Kevinsky's ID...specially now I know the orange thing isn't part of the plant!
    – Bamboo
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 21:47

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