I have a mango seedling that I started from seed about mid-July, so it's a few months old. It is now about a foot tall and just sprouted few more leaves. I also have an avocado seedling growing, and looking online I see that it's recommended to cut the avocado back to about half its height when it reaches about 6-8 inches. Perhaps my Google-fu is a bit weak when it comes to horticulture, but I'm not seeing too many recommendations when it comes to mango seedling pruning, but I do see some tips on pruning(tipping) trees in general.
My question is, how much should be pruned, just the first few inches of growth, or a more dramatic cut/half the height? Also, is pruning a seedling that is a few months old too hasty of a move? I don't want to end up with a leafy stick, or worst, a dead stick.
Also, FYI, I'm growing this indoor year round since I live in an apartment, and I have a few grow lights set up as well.